December 5, 2020

Bloodroot - a story for 2020 in image and word



the way it pierces through


melting dusty pink to peapod green

leaf emerges embracing its bud

shielding from early spring chill


delicate grace

petals splaying open, quiet and soft

yin opening to yellow, soaking up the sun


leaves of snapping turtle skin

undulating matte splendor

feigning toughness, but succumbing to sunburn


how long the winter

cradled by Pachamama

awaiting the perfect moment



our winter has been long,

not since October


our winter has been persisting

deepening since


since social media — learn to fix a broken pencil, and watch a murder —

    network internet — connect with anyone, and lose connection —

        neoliberal economics — strive for efficiency, and lose your soul —

            nuclear destruction — win the battle, lose the war —

                internal combustion engine

— go faster, risk everything, everyone —


           colonialism — explore, and ruin what you find —

           imagined superiority — disillusion, disconnection —


domination —a fool’s errand.





skin as thin as peach

flower ephemeral as a first crush


passing in the silence of night

giving way to the next

yet staying with you forever


forest duff grit


generations linked together

built upon each    



pushing up through the mulch pile

no regard for what stands in the way


            step by step

out of cool, dark repose


not through garbage, but through fertilizer,




brought to our knees

all our weaknesses laid bare


injustice to the earth

each other

—brother and sister all

plant, animal, fungus, bacteria, mineral, wind, water,

            and spirit


bleeding from our roots

we cry out in communal agony


“don’t let us return to normal!”


Let us begin again,

as in spring.


Towards the sun,

towards a new day.

A better, more just, more beautiful,

more loving way.       



we rise